Phone: 4752390847
  • Me
  • Hello! 👋
    My name is Zibo Cao and i'm a graduate student / software developer.

    I am committed to maintaining a strong work ethic and a passion for solving complex problems. Welcome to my personal website, where I showcase my software development projects.

    My Linkedin and Github:
    University of Connecticut
    Storrs, CT
    Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering
    Sept 2019 - May 2023
    Northeastern University
    Boston, MA
    Master of Professional Studies in Informatic
    Sept 2023 - Present
  • project image
  • Geek Codex

    A dynamic web application designed to showcase and discover creative portfolios! Users can make simple posts that include an image, summary, and a URL while engaging with others by liking, and following.


  • project image
  • Stable Fluid Simulation

    An implementation of Jos Stam's Stable Fluid using Unity Compute shader and Visual Effects Graph. Every frame, A velocity field is simulated and updated across multiple compute shader kernels. The kernels are steps of Stable Fluid process which includes addsource, advect, diffuse, and project. The final texture is rendered with VFX graph in HDRP pipeline.

    This project only simulates the velocity field of a stable fluid. Since the rendering is done with particles, no density field is needed.

    Click here to download demo

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  • Volumetric Rendering

    A real time volumetric rendering of fire clouds inside a sphere with moving ligtht source. Accomplished through ray marching algorithms in Unity.

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  • Project Terrace

    A Unity voxel sandbox. Featuring infinite Chunk based procedural terrain generation, marching cubes, chunk culling, realtime mesh deformation, and various noise wrapping methods.

    Design project with Boeringher-Ingleheim
    Sep 2022 – May 2023
(Remote) Storrs, CT
Description: Developed a microservice prototype for Boeringher-Ingelheim. I specifically worked on the Django backend and implemented a prototype of natural language processing and fuzzy matching using the spaCy NLP library. This functionality uses GEOparse to fetch GEO objects (Gene Expression Omnibus) . It aims to parse natural languages in GEO objects and then provide recommendations to the frontend user interface.
  • Languages
    • Typescript
    • Javascript
    • HTML5
    • CSS
    • C#
    • C++
    • Python
    • SQL
    • HLSL
  • Stacks
    • NextJs
    • ReactJs
    • ChakraUI
    • NodeJs
    • Express
    • Express Session
    • Restiful API
    • Postgresql
    • Drizzle Orm
    • Redis
    • Unity3D
    • Compute Shaders
  • Tools
    • Git
    • Ubuntu
    • WSL2
    • Docker
    • VS Code
    • Vim
    • Rider IDE
    • Copilot
  • AWS
    • EC2
    • RDS
    • ElastiCache Redis
    • S3
    • SES
    • Route 53
    • Application Load Balancer
    • Certificate Manager